Friday 9 December 2011

Poster drafting

This is the sketch for our poster. The main thing we discussed regarding our poster was the use of an eye, we chose to do this as the eye is "the window to the soul", which conveys the idea of the internal conflict of the character. In addition to this we thought that using a silhouette in the pupil to further illustrate the idea of the unknown character in the mind and "soul" of the main character. for the poster we will use dark colours as this is a common horror/thriller convention, the use of slightly gothic style text will also add to the overall feel of a horror/thriller poster. we chose to employ these conventions so the viewer knows to some extent what to expect from our film.

 we had very positive feedback for our idea, and we will definitely use this as our actual poster after working on photoshop. the main thing people liked was the idea of the eye being the window to the soul and putting a concealed figure in it.

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